International Coffee Day takes place on October 1 every year. Making the daily journey from tropical Africa to the breakfast mugs of households all over the world, coffee beans have been scattered all over the world for more than 600 years, and their preparation for consuming is a great example of metamorphosis. Humanity has been preparing coffee for many presentations: drinks, candies, medicine, and some ancient civilizations even used it as currency! No matter how you take it, coffee can energize you, warm you up, refresh you, keep you awake, and even catch you up with your loved ones.
World Vegetarian Day
Did you know that approximately 10% of the world’s population is vegetarian, and that India has the lowest per capita meat consumption in the world? On October 1, we celebrate the benefits of being a vegetarian and admit that the meatless lifestyle can actually be awesomely delicious. So get out the carrot sticks, tofu, cheese pizza, veggie burgers, and other meat-free delights, because it’s World Vegetarian Day!
International Music Day.
International Music Day or World Music Day is a concept too good to believe and the best part is that it actually exists. Yes, International Music day or the IMD was initiated on the 1st of October in 1975 by Lord Yehudi Menuhin. It was first organized by the International Music Council on 1st of October, 1975, in accordance with the resolution taken at the 15th General Assembly in Lausanne in 1973. The International Music Council (IMC) or the guardian of the IMD was founded by UNESCO in 1949.
International Day of Older Persons.
On December 14, 1990 the United Nations General Assembly voted to establish October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons as recorded in Resolution 45/106.The holiday was observed for the first time on October 1, 1991. The holiday is celebrated by raising awareness about issues affecting the elderly, such as senescence and elder abuse. It is also a day to appreciate the contributions that older people make to society. This holiday is similar to National Grandparents Day in the United States and Canada as well as Double Ninth Festival in China and Respect for the Aged Day in Japan. The observance is a focus of ageing organizations and the UN Programme on Ageing.