UAE Warns Against Children Sharing Parents’ Media with Friends

The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department (ADJD) has issued a warning, urging parents and children to exercise caution when posting photos and videos on social media and sharing them with friends, in order to safeguard minors and ensure their well-being. While the seemingly innocuous act of children photographing their parents and sharing such images with friends might appear harmless, the ADJD emphasizes that it can lead to unintended consequences.

According to the authority, exposing the home and family details to individuals outside the immediate circle can pose risks, allowing outsiders to gather information about the child’s life. This includes photos of family members, specifics about the residence, and the recording or live streaming of private family events.

The ADJD also advises against children sharing personal details about their lives and relationships with individuals working within the household, such as domestic help or drivers. The act of publicly sharing personal lives on social media makes children susceptible to potential abuse, exploitation, and, in certain cases, blackmail.

The authority highlights that young individuals are often unaware of the potential consequences of sharing their private lives with both friends and strangers. Such actions may stem from a desire for attention or the need to showcase personal possessions within their social circles. The lack of parental control in these situations increases the risk of sensitive information being disclosed in unsafe environments.

To mitigate these risks, the ADJD recommends several measures for parents and adults:

  1. Raise Awareness: Parents should educate their children about the dangers associated with sharing private details with individuals outside the immediate family.
  2. Educate about Blackmail: Children should be informed about electronic blackmail methods and the risks involved in disclosing locations and specific details about their homes.
  3. School Involvement: Schools play a crucial role in educating children about the importance of keeping details of their lives private, emphasizing the need for collaboration between parents and educational institutions to address these concerns effectively.

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