Dubai Teens Launch App for Student Mental Health Support

In Dubai, a new app developed by teenagers, for teenagers, and managed by teenagers is gaining popularity among the youth. Named “How Is Life” (HIL), the app offers a safe space for young people to address academic pressures and mental health concerns without fear of judgment. Created by Vaishnavi Jayanti, 16, and Visista Jayanti, 19, HIL aims to foster a supportive online community for teens navigating physical and emotional changes.

HIL serves as a platform for self-discovery, where users can share their worries and receive advice from peers. Since its launch a few months ago, hundreds of users have already joined the app and actively engage in discussions. The app features various discussion boards covering academic, cognitive, social, physical, and mental health topics.

Users can seek professional help through HIL by booking appointments with registered counselors at affordable rates. Additionally, the app includes a timetable generator to enhance time management skills.

Designed with a trendy and youthful interface by teenager Stuti Doshi, HIL is available for download on both the App Store and Google Play. While the app is free, the creators plan to introduce a premium version with more features once they reach 5,000 users.

The Jayanti sisters emphasize that HIL is not a substitute for parental guidance but rather a complementary resource for teens to seek advice on various aspects of their lives.

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