Here Is Your Order Of Jellyfish And Chips

What do you know about jellyfishes? Did you know that they have no eyes, brain, heart or bones? And did you know that they are millions of years old, older than even dinosaurs? But well, those are trivial but important facts about them. Let’s move on to something even more interesting.

And the interesting thing is, in the near future you might be ordering jellyfish and chips – or so say the scientists at the University of Queensland (UQ).

Scientists found that even though some fish are endangered they are still being caught. They are then sold for food when they are in need of protection.

According to UQ, even critically endangered species are being caught, sold and eaten.

Leslie Roberson from UQ said, “This means that the ‘fish’, ‘flake’ or ‘cod’ that Australians typically order at the fish and chip shop could be critically endangered.”

So, some people may be eating fish not knowing that it is from an endangered species. The scientists report that “204 countries catch or import threatened species.”

This is because it is legal to catch endangered species of fish.

Roberson stated that “we would never consider eating mountain gorillas or elephants, both of which are endangered.”

Researchers have suggested that people use the ‘sustainable seafood guide’. The guide has been created by the Australian Marine Conservation Society.

It shows people the species which are endangered and where they live. It also explains which marine animals are not in danger. They hope it will help people to catch, sell and eat seafood which is more sustainable.

It suggests that animals like Australian salmon, blue mussels and jellyfish are more sustainable options.

Jellyfish, which can be found in oceans all around the world, are already eaten in many countries.

In China, they are a delicacy. That means they are something which is eaten on special occasions.

About 11 species of jellyfish are thought to be safe for humans to eat. But, would you be willing to eat jellyfish and chips to help save endangered species?

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