Emirati Parents Pursue Rhythmic Gymnastics Excellence for Daughter

Tariq Malallah and Malak AlFarsi, an Emirati couple, are on an extraordinary journey to cultivate their daughter’s passion for rhythmic gymnastics into a path of excellence. Despite the sport’s traditional stronghold in East European nations, particularly among former Soviet republics and Bulgaria, the couple is unwavering in their commitment to elevate rhythmic gymnastics within the UAE and propel the nation to international acclaim. Their endeavor takes root in the revival of the struggling Dubai Youth Olympic Club, where they now nurture young talents, including their daughter Lamia.

The journey began when Lamia, at the tender age of three, transitioned from ballet to rhythmic gymnastics under the guidance of Ksenia Dzhalaghaniya, a former Russian World Champion, at the Dubai Youth Olympic Club. Lamia’s natural inclination towards the sport, coupled with her parents’ unwavering support, propelled her towards success. Despite the rarity of Emirati representation in the sport, Lamia’s achievements garnered widespread attention, sparking a newfound interest in rhythmic gymnastics within the UAE.

Assuming the role of patrons for Lamia’s club, Malak and Tariq witnessed its decline post-2020 due to the pandemic. Determined to preserve and promote the sport, they assumed ownership of the club, becoming pioneers as the only Emirati-owned rhythmic gymnastics facility among the 30 clubs in Dubai. Their vision extends beyond individual success; they aspire to establish academic recognition for sports courses, advocating for diplomas and degrees in sports education.

Navigating familial resistance and societal norms, Malak and Tariq remained steadfast in their commitment to their daughter’s athletic pursuits. Embracing discipline and dedication, they instilled a culture of excellence within their family, encouraging their children to pursue their passions wholeheartedly. Lamia’s journey epitomizes their dedication, balancing rigorous training sessions under the guidance of esteemed coaches with her academic responsibilities.

Lamia’s remarkable achievements have not gone unnoticed. Coached by Olesya Petrov, a former member of Russia’s national team, Lamia’s talent captured the attention of Irina Viner, President of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics federation. Invited to train with the national team in Moscow, Lamia’s journey represents a testament to her dedication and potential on the international stage.

Despite the challenges inherent in elite athletics, Lamia remains resolute in her pursuit of excellence. Supported by her family and the nurturing environment at Choueifat School, Lamia balances her rigorous training regime with her academic commitments. Her dedication extends beyond the gym, embracing dietary discipline to maintain her agility and grace.

For Tariq and Malak, Lamia’s journey symbolizes more than individual success; it embodies their mission to empower young Emirati girls to pursue their dreams fearlessly. Their determination to challenge stereotypes and champion their daughter’s aspirations reflects their unwavering commitment to fostering a culture of excellence and opportunity within the UAE.

As Lamia continues to defy expectations and reach new heights, Tariq and Malak remain steadfast in their support, driven by a shared vision of empowerment and achievement for their daughter and future generations of Emirati athletes.

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