This Day In History – April 1


Today in History

527 Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his nephew Justinian I as co-ruler and successor to the throne
1748 Ruins of Pompeii rediscovered by Spaniard Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre
1952 Big Bang theory proposed in Physical Review by Alpher, Bethe & Gamow
1974 Ayatollah Khomeini calls for an Islamic Republic in Iran
1976 Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs found Apple Computer in the garage of Jobs’ parents house in Cupertino, California

Today in Music

2017 Bob Dylan receives his Nobel Prize for Literature at a private ceremony in Stockholm

Today in Sports

1992 NHL players begin first strike in 75-year history; 10 day action earns large playoff bonus increase, more control over licensing of their likenesses and changes to free agency system

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