Mumbai is India’s most ‘forgetful’ city, says Uber

Mumbai is India’s most “forgetful” city, according to Uber’s Lost & Found Index 2020, followed by Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) and Allahabad.

This is an annual database compiled by the cab aggregator, based on what passengers in different countries leave behind in Uber’s taxis.

Phones top the list in India, which also includes items as unusual as artificial acrylic teeth.

Uber found 3 August 2019 to be the “most forgetful” day in its survey.

India’s capital, Delhi, ranked fourth among the 10 most forgetful cities, followed by the southern city of Bangalore at number 5.

The list of the top 20 most unique lost items also includes mangoes, safari suits, brooms, military shoes and copies of Becoming, Michelle Obama’s memoir.

Uber found that Thursdays and Fridays are the most “forgetful” days of the week, and afternoons – between 13:00 and 15:00 – are the most likely hours when people lose things.

The data suggests that people are most likely to leave behind a guitar on Saturdays and Sundays, and their lunch boxes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

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