Important Events
1520 Suleiman the Magnificent succeeds his father Selam I as Ottoman Sultan (rules till 1566)
1846 Anesthetic ether used for 1st time by American dentist Dr William Morton who extracts a tooth
1862 Prussia Minister-President Otto von Bismarck’s delivers his “Blood & Iron” speech
1938 Treaty of Munich signed by Hitler, Mussolini, Daladier and Chamberlain, forces Czechoslovakia to give territory to Germany
1946 22 Nazi leaders, including Joachim von Ribbentrop and Hermann Goering, are found guilty of war crimes and sentenced to death or prison at the Nuremberg war trials
Today In Film & TV
1950 Radio’s “Grand Ole Opry” is broadcast on TV for 1st time
Today In Music
1791 Mozart’s opera “Magic Flute” premieres in Vienna
Today In Sports
1934 Babe Ruth’s final game as a Yankee, goes 0 for 3